Die Da Yao – Hit, Fall, Strike Medicine
These Chinese characters are pronounced as Die Da Yao. The meanings of these characters are:
Fall (as in to fall down or suffer a fall)
Hit (as to Strike something or get Hit)
Die Da Yao literally means medicine for hits and falls.
Die Da Yao traces its roots back to the practices of the ancient Chinese Martial Art Masters. Their long term success depended upon their fighting skills AND their ability to effectively and quickly recover from any injuries they received.
The Masters had external and internal herbal treatments for reducing muscle and joint pain, reducing swelling, healing cuts, preventing infections, and treating bruised and/or broken bones.
The Masters identified four stages of injury recovery for muscles, tendons and ligaments.
These stages are:
Stage 1 – Acute
Stage 2 – Post Acute
Stage 3 – Chronic
Stage 4 – Post Chronic
Unfortunately in our current technological age of silos, much of this information has been lost. Western medicine is GREAT at treating acute situations, after that, you are on your own.
We see many clients who are suffering unnecessarily from chronic soft tissue problems that could have been prevented and which can still be rehabilitated to some extent, depending on the degree of severity of the initial injury.
The Masters developed specific protocols and herbal formulas that are to be used in each stage of injury recovery. To learn more about the four stages of injury recovery and treatment, click here.
These ancient protocols and formulations are still relevant and effective for treating soft tissue injuries today.
Basic Wellness has updated and enhanced these formulations with the herbal healing wisdom of four renowned cultures:

JIAN – Chinese symbol for Good Health and Strength
Ayurvedic Medicine from India
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Tibetan Medicine
Western Herbal Medicine
The Basic Wellness line of Die Da Yao products consists of therapeutic, organic, herbal salves, liniments, oils and poultice that are massaged into or applied on the injured area to provide pain relief and to speed recovery.
Quality Ingredients
These products are hand-crafted with quality ingredients. Our herbs are tested and certified to be free of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and preservatives.
Our oils are certified organic. Our beeswax is 100%, pure natural beeswax.
Unique, specific herbs are combined together in a proprietary blend for each product.
The herbal blends are steeped over time in their carrier base.
This process yields a powerful, healing product that is infused with the synergistic therapeutic effects of all the herbs in the blend, and the healing benefits of the carrier base.
Here is a list of our products that link to their descriptive page:
Herbal Oils
Soft Tissue Massage Oil, Joint Bone Sinew Massage Oil
Herbal Salves
Muscle Salve, Joint Salve
Herbal Liniments
Cool Brace Cooling Liniment, Tendon Warming Liniment
Herbal Poultice
Die Da Gao Cooling Herbal Clay Poultice