
Rule #1.  Healthy Muscle Tissue Does Not Hurt.

Rule #1A.  Life Happens.  Repetitive Stress Happens.  Sports Injuries Happen.  Maintaining the health of your muscular system is your responsibility.

Rule #2.  Many people are unaware of Rules #1 & #1A

Here are some of the common reasons for which clients come to see us:

  • The acute stage of the injury is over.  They now have chronic pain and/or limited range of motion and their doctor has nothing to offer.
  • The acute stage of the injury is over.  They now have chronic pain and/or limited range of motion and physical therapy helped a little, but not a lot.
  •  There was not any specific injury but they have pain in one or more of these areas: neck, shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, hands, fingers, back,  legs, hips, knees, ankles, feet, toes.

It is our observation that many people have abdicated their personal responsibility for their overall health and count on the “Professionals” to keep them well.

Mainstream health care is now so specialized that it seems many providers have lost the perspective of the big picture of health.

Clearly, high tech, specialized medicine is the way to go if one is in an acute, emergency situation or if one is faced with significant health challenges.

The activities of daily living do not require a prescription.  We find that many people just never learned how to take care of their muscular system.

The  human body is amazing.  Our bodies give us a great deal of latitude and forgiveness in our wellness.  Often for DECADES, we can eat junk food, skip the vitamins and skip regular stretching and strengthening routines, and think everything is just fine.  Until suddenly, one day it is not so fine.  Chronic tension of the fascia and muscles due to repetitive stress and neglect eventually catches up.  Many people mistakenly call this arthritis or neuropathy.

Here is the GOOD NEWS!

Don Doran is incredibly gifted in identifying the root cause problem of a client’s muscular pain.

His treatment techniques of sports massage, electro-acupressure, and herbal salves and oils quickly get a client out of pain.

Don generally recommends two treatment sessions that are scheduled one week apart.

Often, Don and Lisa teach the client self-care Activated Isolated Stretching routines that will keep them out of pain.

Don jokes that he has the worst business plan in the world, because he wants people to get better and not need weekly therapy sessions!

With some professional sports therapy, a few Pro-Tips and simple changes in habits, just about everyone can feel better and eliminate a great deal of muscular tension and pain from their life.